Monday, August 19, 2013

"I deserved to be loved simply because I existed, nothing more and nothing less...

This was a rather surprising realization for me, because I'd always thought I needed to work at being lovable.  I believed that I somehow had to be deserving and worthy of being cared for , so it was incredible to realize this wasn't the case.  I'm loved unconditionally, for no other reason than simply because I exist.
I was transformed in unimaginable clarity as I realized that this expanded, magnificent essence was really me.  It was the truth of my being.  The understanding was clear: I was looking into a new paradigm of self, becoming the crystalline light of my own awareness.  Nothing interfered with the flow, glory, and amazing beauty of what was taking place.

I BECAME AWARE THAT WE'RE ALL CONNECTED.  This was not only every person and living creature, but the interwoven unification felt as though it were expanding outward to include everything in the universe-every human, animal, plant, insect, mountain, sea, inanimate object, and the cosmos.  I realized that the entire universe is alive and infused with consciousness, encompassing all of life and nature.  Everything belongs to an infinite Whole.  I was intricately, inseparably enmeshed with all of life.  We're all facets of that unity-we're all One, and each of us has an effect on the collective Whole." - Anita Moorjani, Dying To Be Me My Journey from Cancer To Near Death To True Healing

All Images Property of KHABOMETY™
Chris Malinchak - So Good To Me

"I also understood that the cancer was not some punishment for anything I'd done wrong, nor was I experiencing negative karma as a result of any of my actions, as I'd previously believed.  It was as though every moment held infinite possibilities, and where I was at that point in time was a culmination of every decision, every choice, and every thought of my entire life.  My many fears and my great power had manifested as this disease." - Anita Moorjani, Dying To Be Me My Journey from Cancer To Near Death To True Healing

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